Waxing Moon: Time to act ☽

As the moon grows from new to full for two weeks, so do you. Take a moment to look at the sky during this phase and notice how the moon begins to take shape as:

🌙 Waxing Crescent

As the waxing crescent marks the first step towards fullness, it is also the first sign of illumination. This is why the waxing crescent is considered a moon phase that brings about change and new opportunities. It is a call to action, the first step we take after setting our New Moon intentions and manifesting our dreams. It makes the waxing crescent moon phase a great time to step up and focus on your goals. It's the perfect time to finish up that project you've been putting off or hit personal goals, or even do something for yourself you've been wanting to do for a long time now. It doesn't matter what steps you take to reach your goals, as long as they are genuine. With a waxing crescent moon phase, positive action is encouraged, and faith is often rewarded. Trust that the Universe has your best interest at heart. Take the steps you need to, and allow Spirit to do the rest.

I think it's important no matter what moon phase we're in to take responsibility for what you do and own your decisions. It takes some courage to take advantage of opportunities, and taking advantage of opportunities means making decisions and possibly changing your behavior. Make the most of the opportunities and change along the way, and keep going with the flow through to the next moon phase.

🌓 First Quarter

First Quarter Moons are also called "half moons," since exactly half the moon is illuminated at this time, but the other half is completely shaded. During this phase, sit back and reflect on any decisions you have made in life. What did they mean to you and what lessons have you learned from them? The first quarter moon is often viewed as a symbol of strength. In order to get to the full moon, it must get from where it is now to where it wants to be.

It's also a time to re-evaluate during the first quarter moon. By this point in the lunar cycle, the moon has moved from a new moon to a waxing crescent. A quarter moon, however, pauses briefly to consider the next phase and the next direction on where to go… This might also mean that you need to look back and reflect on how far you've come. It's also a good idea to make sure you're moving in the right direction.

First quarter moon is saying to keep going forward, no matter what. While the first quarter moon's energy is energetic and action-oriented, there will be opportunities to rest soon- just not right now. Tap into the energy of the moon as much as possible to continue to advance and evolve. After all that hard work you'll have plenty of time to recover.

🌔 Waxing Gibbous

During a gibbous moon, the sunlight covers more than half the moon's visible surface. Day by day, the moon is continuing to increase towards full. The waxing moon symbolizes the “final steps" towards celebrating your magic. People strive during this time of the month to complete their aspirations, just as the moon strives to reach its fullness. The moon doesn't resist change and we shouldn’t either. Here's your chance to think about what's working for you right now, and what might need to change.

Be inspired by the moon and go with the flow, always remaining true to your essence, even when you're working hard.

The waxing gibbous moon provides you with an opportunity to pursue your dreams and get to where you want to be. This is part of nature's constant ebb and flow - putting in the effort before you can enjoy your work and, finally, relax.

Sending lunar love,



As the waxing moon approaches fullness, the moonlight gradually begins to expand and grow in intensity; symbolizing as fuel to push through and keep going. Intentions you named during the New Moon will begin to bloom when you clarify and nurture them. It's a good time to get motivated, commit to what you're building, and start working towards what you want. Think about how many realistic steps you can take each day to accomplish your goals as the moon moves toward fullness. It’s time to transform, to build energy, to nurture dreams, to overcome obstacles, and to break through your endless potential.


Also on the blog..


Waning Moon: An End in Sight ☾