Lunar Musings: Capricorn New Moon 1/11
trustworthy, unafraid, self-sufficient, disciplined
earth tones
I use
When a new Moon occurs, the Moon and the Sun are positioned within the same zodiac sign. This cosmic tag team gives us a burst of energy, motivating us to set intentions and shake things up in our lives. It's like a checkpoint to see what's working and what's not. It’s a time to ditch what doesn't vibe with our big picture and take strides towards the things that align with our vision. As we begin a new lunar cycle, it's a good time to prepare an intention for the month ahead- but not by forcing it, but by allowing it to arise from within. The Moon moves through the zodiac every two days. A look at the zodiac sign the moon is in will help us understand the energy it is releasing, and how it will affect us- therefore enhancing our New Moon rituals.
Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac (December 21 to January 20) and is represented by the sea-goat, a mythological hybrid that's a cross between a goat and a fish. A cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn, Capricorn energy is slow-moving, honest, wise, and disciplined.
Being a cardinal sign, Capricorn loves a fresh start (no wonder it falls under the transition to the New Year). They're not just hardworking; they're ambitious, climbing heights like goats. Yet, the fishy part of the sea-goat symbol represents the vast, spiritual world beneath.
Now, when the new Moon in Capricorn rolls in, it's not just about new beginnings; it's also about letting go. Before the new Moon, check where your energy is flowing. What's draining you, and what's boosting you?
If emotions are hogging your mental space, tackle and release them. Spend time each day processing, like journaling and meditating for 15 minutes. Don't let emotions hijack your whole day.
And those attachments to the past? Give them attention on your own terms, but then let them go. Be the boss of your attention, focus on what matters, and find things that recharge you. It's all about keeping that energy flow in check and staying in the cycle of give and take.
Set up your altar space. This can be a place in your favorite room at home- on a table or a mat placed with candles, crystals, incense, oracle/tarot cards, and your favorite journal.
During the darkest night of the month, light a candle to symbolize finding light and hope. Ask the Universe to shine some light on your dreams and help you think clearly about the month ahead.
Cleanse your sacred space by waving an incense wand or lighting a palo santo to cover every part of your room.
Put yourself on a pillow or somewhere comfortable allowing your spine to be long and straight to help protect your back.
Close your eyes and draw your attention to the New Moon. Take a quick body scan from the top of your crown to the bottom of your toes, letting all your shadow parts leave, so that you can release any emotions that are rising.. may take 3-6 minutes.
Start to find some movement in your body. Capricorn rules the knees and joints. Incorporate these yoga poses into your day-to-day routine until the Full Moon.
dancer’s pose
malasana (yogi squat)
side low lunge
Gather stones such as:
garnet- to inspire commitment and creativity
agate- to embrace your inward journey
obsidian- to protect from those that bring you down
Place these stones in your hands, close your eyes, and begin to meditate on manifesting everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
Write down all of your new intentions and goals with feeling. This is a powerful time for manifestation. Put pen to paper and start to get real on what you really want.
Create intentions related to the following Capricorn traits:
ambition: I will ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________honesty: I will ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________discipline: I will ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Journal on the following:
What do I feel called to accomplish on this New Moon in Capricorn?
Where and with whom do I need to set clear boundaries in my life?
What am I creating or manifesting in my life that I am ready to make a full commitment to?
Now write down all of your wishes on wishing paper or dissolving paper. Burn the wishing paper, or put the dissolving paper in a bowl of water and release the attachment to outcome of your wishes coming true. The Universe will pick it up and work its’ magic. All you have to do is live out your intentions, so get to work!
Until the Full Moon, sending lunar love,