

Where the outer form meets the inner spirit

Each full and new moon, we hold moon circle ceremonies to celebrate the lunar cycle’s powerful energy. Through it, we learn how to align and manifest our dreams. Moon circles are a space for setting intentions, clearing energy, gaining clarity, working through fears, and connecting with ourselves through ritual and communal energy.

“When women’s bodies were more in tuned with nature, as the moon entered her dark phase, women would begin to menstruate. During the first three days of their menses, women would stop their work and daily responsibilities and enter the moon hut to rest and recuperate. This is the Native Indians’ way of honoring the Divine Feminine in women and in all aspect of life. We perform a ritual to align ourselves with the energy of that New Moon and use that concentrated energy to manifest the highest intention in our lives. Time is also given for women to reflect on her experiences and feelings and to be in silence and stillness..”

- anonymous

This is why we gather

New Moons represent new beginnings..

and is the time to pause the world around you to turn inwards, plant seeds, and set intentions for personal renewal. New Moon circles are a place to give and receive support, and to provide self-care to the tender parts of us that want to be seen and heard as we heal together.

A Full Moon occurs in the middle of a lunar cycle..

and is when you will see your goals and dreams start to manifest as we release all of our intentions we set during the New Moon. The Moon represents both the physical and the emotional body. It is a time when your emotions and physical body are open to the light and the awareness of spirit. The Full Moon is when the shadows disappear and the Moon shines its luminosity, inviting us to become aware of the world and who we want to become.