

A supportive and nurturing community awaits you

tap into the magic of the moon cycles

work with your inner power and intuition

a collective of Remembering

With The Lunar Love Club, individuals around the world come together to experience a sacred space where they learn how to reconnect with their intuition, power, and soul by living in alignment with the natural cycle, rhythm, and flow of the moon.

A Lunar Love Club membership gives you access to a supportive community of like-minded souls led by Janae Bell, a lunar guide and mentor who will help you transform your life path.

Moon circles are held at each new and full moon by Janae, who offers meditations, soul workbooks, guidance, and more to help the members live daily by the moon and follow the path of their souls.

It's also worth noting that the Lunar Love Club is a wonderful place for those who are interested in learning more about astrology and who wish to integrate ancient wisdom and magic into their everyday lives.

Whenever we learn more about ourselves and expand into more, we are coming home to who we are.

As part of the lunar cycle, we hold monthly rituals, invite guest healers, practice yoga and meditation, and go on spiritual journeys in accordance with the moon.

The Lunar Love Club is where astrology meets your soul and is place that brings you together with the moon as your guide.

included in the membership:


Live moon circle just before each new and full moon for you to tap into whenever you feel called. Learn how to work with the current cycles. (includes recording)


An in-depth look at each of the moon phases with guidance on what to work on & focus on during that particular phase.


A check-in where you can get curious about the moon, as well as journaling prompts relevant to each new moon and full moon


Meditations you can listen to at any time in accordance with the new or full moon to guide you in your ritual


Through the month, we gather online to participate in various workshops and classes led by myself with expert guests


Lunar Love Club members get access to content, recordings, & discounts in your own private login area


Know what phase the moon is in every day, what sign she is working under, and how you can harness that energy


Members will have access to a community forum where like-minded lunar friends can share the journey they have taken with the moon


As part of your membership, you will have access to view all twelve lunar flow videos associated with each zodiac sign


you will also receive special discounts on Courses, 1-1’s and more.




“I attended my first New Moon in Aquarius ceremony with Janae in January. Her set up was so warm and inviting. She held space for each of us to introduce ourselves and understand what was pulling each of us there. She led us through a gentle yoga flow which was perfect for my friend who isn’t too familiar with the practice. We had time to journal and set our intentions and goals for the New Moon. I couldn’t stop smiling the whole time! It was a beautiful ceremony and I can’t wait to join the next one!”

Listen to the moon when she calls ☾

As the moon represents something that is deeply ingrained in us all, it doesn't seem strange that many of us feel a compelling need to gather during the different phases of the moon.

The moon offers the possibility of connecting with and experiencing lunar energy in ways most of us have never experienced before.

Just as the moon controls the tides and the oceans outside of us, so too does she have the ability to control the waters within us.

It is as if the moon speaks to us, guiding us through our phases, as if to show us her own energy so that we can unveil our own.

We are nature, and the moon reminds us of that.

As we study the moon and observe all the phases she moves through, we get a better understanding of who we are.

The more we work with the moon, the more she reveals to us.

So let’s go on a journey.




repeats monthly, cancel anytime

Listening to the ancient cycles of the moon as you step back and take a deep breath and admire the beauty… do you sense that the cycles within you are rumbling to life?

It is fascinating to realize that the moon's journey each month mirrors that of our own. If we examine our own cyclical rhythms and reflect them back to ourselves through the moon's gaze, we will not be able to see them in any other way.

There is a growing movement of women who are embracing this work most passionately and are using their menstrual cycles and phases as a way to acknowledge and honor the deep connection we all have with the moon.

During ancient times, women lived in small, intimate communities. It was not only that their cycles coincided with each other’s, but also that their cycles often matched the phases of the moon as well. Therefore, it was easy to see the parallels, and it was easier to comprehend how intertwined we were to nature, how we are being asked to honor both internally and externally, and just how magical women truly are.

This is why the women would gather on a new moon, a full moon, or a dark moon, harnessing the energy of each phase in order to support both their inner and outer lives.

The more we come into contact with the moon, the more we realize how deeply we are connected to her, and how many beautiful things she has to offer us. When we begin to respect the moon and remember her, she begins to work with us in the most wonderful of ways.

As I see it, this is a call for us to reclaim our connection to the moon, to use her magic, to understand the opportunities that she offers us each month to start again, to reflect, and to release. In honoring her phases, we begin to honor our own.


… recognize when it is time to act and when it is time to rest

 ... gain an understanding of the ancient wisdom that guides us

 ... embrace your emotions, so that you may become aware of them and what they are showing you, and so that you may learn to deal with them more effectively

 ... understand the phases of the moon and how it can be used to create real transformations in your life

 ... re-connect with yourself, nature, and others

 ... take ownership of your desires, which allows you to make changes and follow your dreams with accountability

 ... committing to stopping looking outside every month, and turning your focus inwards day after day

In working with the moon’s energy, you have the opportunity to discover yourself in a way that has never been possible. You have the opportunity to see into your soul. The moon helps you find yourself, your dreams and visions, and your personal goals.

Every month, we journey with the moon and she helps us uncover our most hidden fears, doubts, insecurities, and hopes along with our most hidden hopes, dreams, and desires. In addition to helping us to see our passions and purpose, as well as our unique individual gifts – and how much we can achieve if we claim our full potential and power – she helps us to see what keeps us small, stuck, and afraid.

The idea of following the new and full moons will not only help you to stay accountable, but it will help you to feel like you are taking conscious control of your life and will provide you with a new insight. This will help you to remain focused and uncluttered as your journey progresses.

With the magic of the moon at your fingertips, you will have the opportunity to grow in self-awareness, self-care, nourishment, empowerment, manifestation, purpose, and self-love. 

The Lunar Love Club Membership is much more than just a monthly subscription, you'll be able to learn about astrology as well as in-depth spiritual lessons that you never thought were possible. This will help you to understand and know yourself like never before.

In order for the world to change, we must anchor ourselves into this energy, and the more of us who can do so, the more change we will be able to make.

Whenever you feel the call, I am waiting with arms wide open to welcome you with an open heart.  


"I attended the Pisces New Moon Circle with Janae. Her set up was so peaceful and calming with low lights, fresh flowers, and candles. Janae sent us a workbook which I refer to often. In the workbook is a section in which we journaled our intentions to meet our higher self. We then had the opportunity to share our intentions. We participated in yoga poses and a meditation. Janae has a very soothing voice and is very compassionate. I can’t say enough about this bonding and energizing experience!"

take a look inside..

view sample content below

sample moon workbook

sample lunar musings

sample moon calendar

sample guest healer

  • Yes! You can cancel anytime after your free trial has expired. Just navigate to your profile settings within the membership site or contacting us.

  • We at this space welcome women at any level of the work, there is no question too silly, there is no right or wrong here, everyone here is a student and everyone here is a teacher, and we're all learning from one another. Working with cycles is a very enlightening experience because as you turn the wheel, you learn something new about yourself and the world around you. It never ends, we will forever be learning more about ourselves and the world around us because we are infinite beings. If you are new to this process, rest assured that you will be held in a safe and nurturing environment to help you grow and be nurtured.

  • It is up to you how much or how little you wish to do. In some cases, you may only want to access the circles and that's totally fine, or you may want to check in more frequently, or you may simply wish to use the resources in your own daily practice, whatever suits you best. In the end, it is up to you if you wish to make it work for you, there is no pressure whatsoever, so honor yourself.

  • Of course! You can join whenever, wherever to access all content. However, you should keep in my that all cycles of the year is based around the Northern Hemisphere

  • In advance of the circle, you will receive an email containing tips on what to bring and how to prepare for it. A circle lasts 1.5 hours, and you are invited to join twice a month (once a new moon has been seen and once a full moon has been seen). A circle can can be opened with a candle ceremony, a forecast of seasonal and cosmic weather along with any energetic updates, meditation, a yoga flow, gentle free movement, dancing, storytelling, space for sharing, guided journeys, journal prompts, oracle card readings, and visualizations with the opportunity to share in a nurturing community of beautiful souls. In accordance with the cycles to which we will be aligning, the theme varies from month to month and wheel to wheel.

  • That’s okay! I hope you’ll be able to join us live on the next one, but you will have access to all recorded content on your Lunar Love Club dashboard

  • The circle is not a pressured environment; I enjoy seeing you and hearing your stories, but there is never any pressure to share. It is your choice whether to keep the camera off in the circles. You can share verbally, in the chat box, or to just listen or to contact me directly if you wish to share a specific experience or question.

  • Absolutely! I am thrilled that so many men have taken an interest in The Lunar Love Club and I am delighted to be able to bring the magic of the moon to their lives. There will be certain programs and guest healers that may talk about the menstrual cycles and the ancient tradition of The Red Tent. Men can feel free to skip over this content and focus more on the moon phases and cycles of seasons



