Cord cutting is an energy source. Every time you are connected to someone, there is a cord of energy connecting you to them. Cords can pass through neighbors, friends, and acquaintances, but they're thin and do not have a great deal of intensity. Cords for people with strong ties can be a family member, a lover, a partner, a boss, or a good friend. The stronger the connection, the stronger the cord.

It is through these cords that energy is exchanged, even with a stranger. There can also be cords with pets. Any time there is an intimate connection, cords are formed. Do you ever think of someone super random and then they end up contacting you a day or few days later? That cord is being channeled with energy.


In a perfect world, the energy exchange between two people would be perfect and balanced- but life is never perfect, or balanced, so energy exchanges between two people are never even. The cord becomes toxic when there is this an imbalanced exchange. It drains our energy. We can literally be robbed of our energy from other people. There must be an equal exchange of energy to maintain healthy, strong cords. How often are people looking into your eyes and asking you how you are? Do they talk constantly about themselves and never check in with you? These are unhealthy cords. Cutting cords with people you've been deeply involved with can be very hard, but it's totally possible to do.


You know you have a toxic cord connection when:

You are feeling drained, fatigued, wiped out, and obsessive. When you can't get someone out of your head but it's coming from a fear-based place, or you are holding space for someone else versus yourself resulting in you being stuck and unable to connect with your soul. It can also mean cutting aspects of ourselves that we need to let go of.

You have a positive cord connection when:

You feel joy. When someone pops into your mind and shows up in your dreams, or calls soon after and it’s a great feeling. Taking note of the feelings you get when someone contacts you. If it feels good, then it's a strong connection. If it gives you anxiety or makes you angry, it’s a negative connection.

Otherwise, it should be a beautiful and loving exchange.


Use a selenite wand to clear your aura and try this meditation to cut the toxic cords:

Imagine in your mind a place where you feel the most safe. It could be a crystal cave out in nature, floating in the water, floating in the universe.. maybe you're in bed or in a bubble.

You can ask the universe to show you any energetic cords in your aura and take note of what appears.

Do you have a lot of cords running or are there just a few?

Cords can come in many forms. They can appear as ropes, chains, hoses, threads, and even hooks that draw energy from you. Look at the strongest and thickest cord and see where it goes. What color is it? How thick and heavy is it? How does the texture feel? Is it going to a specific person in your life or is it going to you?

If it is going to you, which part of yourself is it connected to? Could it be your ego, your self-doubt, or your fear of failure? Could it be past memories that are holding you back?

If it’s going to someone else- the stronger the person's energy, the stronger you will feel the cord. Ask yourself, whose burden are you carrying? Who has stabbed you in the back? Who’s pain is on your chest?

You can ask for the energy that is no longer serving either of you to be cleansed, cleared, and deleted.

Request a cord cutting sword from the Universe. You can hold out your dominant hand and ask for it to appear. Simply accept what appears in your mind's eye. Imagine this exact sword cutting these cords every time you perform this ritual. Now, cut the cords one by one. As you cut the cord, send a wave of light, love, and healing to counteract the dark negativity. Picture a soft white light filling the gaping hole that was left behind when the cord was severed. Now, travel this white light energetically from this person to you.

Repeat this meditation until all of your cords have been severed.


After the meditation, light a candle and stare at the flame for a bit. Close your eyes, and picture the flame in your mind’s eye. Concentrate on the purple or blue center of the candle flame. Watch as these colors burn away the negativity. Imagine yourself standing in the middle of this flame with that purple/blue light flowing through you and clearing out any residue of the cord you just cut. If you find the cord has been re-attached, go back into this meditation space and hold that cord and ask, “What lesson are you trying to teach me that I’m not releasing?” “What is your purpose?” The cord will not cut and release until you have heard its message and learned its lesson.

A cord cutting ritual must be done more than once to fully allow this energy to detach from you. Imagine white light running through you every day, protecting your positive cords and keeping negative cords away.