simple new moon intention setting

Gather your favorite stones, light a good smelling candle, close your eyes, and begin to meditate on manifesting everything you’ve ever dreamed of.

Imagine yourself becoming grounded and aligned with nature and everyone around you. Allow your Spirit Guides to speak to you, giving you ideas on how you can share your talents with the world and how you can help to improve humanity. Feel yourself forgiving others from your past and more importantly, forgiving yourself and releasing any shame or doubt.

Take long, steady, deep breaths in and out relaxing all of your muscles and cells as you melt further and further into the ground.

Gather your journal, and begin to let it flow

New Moon journal prompts to explore

When does your intuition speak to you? By journaling, you can learn to listen to your inner voice. You can use the following prompts to tap into your inner guidance on the New Moon:

  • Imagine a world where I did not hold expectations or barriers and life was full of joy and abundance. What would my involvement in this new chapter look like? What steps do I need to take to paint this picture?

  • In a perfect world, what would I do if I could make decisions and take steps purely motivated by excitement, fun, and joy?

  • A New Moon brings a quietness that allows our inner voice to be heard. What would my intuition say if it were trying to guide me?

Now write down your top 3 wishes and intentions for the next 2 weeks.

Don’t forget to really feel the feeling of your wishes coming true. Allow your child-like imagination to come through and dream big! Burn the paper and release attachment to outcome. As the moon starts to wax into fullness, now is the time to take action towards your dreams. Stay focused and don’t get discouraged. By the time the Full Moon comes around, you’ll be able to reflect on your New Moon intentions and realize just how magical of a human being you are and how easy it is to manifest when you are in alignment and believe in yourself.

New Moons offer us an opportunity to dream, to envision, and to take action in accordance with what we desire and where we are led to step forward.

And as we move forward, we should let our desires be our map.