ritualizing the new moon

A New Moon occurs when the sun and the moon are in the same degree of the same sign. The moon and sun are symbolic of our inner and outer lives, and a relationship between them gives us a glimpse of our subconscious.

So, it is important to focus on our minds and emotions during a New Moon. It asks, "Who are you right now?" and "Is there another version of you beneath the surface?"

As we begin a new lunar cycle, it's a good time to prepare an intention for the month ahead- but not by forcing it, but by allowing it to arise from within. The moon moves through the zodiac every two days. A look at the zodiac sign the moon is in will help us understand the energy it is releasing, and how it will affect us- therefore enhancing our New Moon rituals. As an example, if the New Moon falls in Cancer, you can focus on journaling prompts and meditations related to your home, family, and the nurturing emotional side of you for your New Moon ritual.

New Moon energy can be honored the day before, the day of, and the day after the actual New Moon.

You should also set a few goals during this phase, since this is a time of intense intention-setting. New Moons are all about welcoming in new rituals, people, places, jobs, relationships, etc. and getting really clear about what you want to manifest.

Here’s how you can ritualize the New Moon:

  • Get rid of negative energy by clearing your space and setting up an altar with incense, crystals, oracle/tarot cards, and other things that you feel called to.

  • During the darkest night of the month, light a candle to symbolize finding light and hope. Ask the Universe to shine some light on your dreams and help you think clearly about the month ahead.

  • Cleanse your sacred space by waving an incense wand or lighting a palo santo to cover every part of your room.

  • Put yourself on a pillow or somewhere comfortable allowing your spine to be long and straight to help protect your back.

  • Close your eyes and draw your attention to the New Moon. Take a quick body scan from the top of your crown to the bottom of your toes, letting all your shadow parts leave, so that you can release any emotions that are rising.. may take 3-6 minutes.

  • Journal about things you’ve been striving for and how you're going to get there. Draw them out, write them on two pieces of paper, then burn one of them to let go of attachment to outcome. Allow the Universe to work its’ magic. Imaginatively play, dream big, and don't be ashamed of what you want. Visualize yourself achieving everything you've ever dreamed of. Feel the feeling of your wish coming true as you read each intention out loud.

With the New Moon comes a lot of fresh energy, and it's the perfect time for new beginnings- whether it's starting a new job, going out on a date, or starting a project.

It may take a few moon cycles for some intentions to fully manifest. Take some time to reflect and edit what you've written every New Moon. Enjoy your progress as your intentions come to fruition.

Now you're ready to bring your intentions to life as the Moon waxes into fullness.